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Irene Ng is a New York-based graphic designer and has a BA degree in digital design at the City College of New York. In 2016, she was featured in the City College Edm Art Show. Her concentration of interest is packaging, editorial design, and UX/UI design. Any design that is hands-on is compelling to her. She believes that good design should be accessible to everyone.


Irene has had the opportunity to expand her knowledge of design, typography skills, print production process, and responsive design while pursuing her degree. She has experience working with clients and working as a member of a team on group projects. She also worked on self-directed work which challenges her own creativity.


Aside from design, she takes a strong interest in basketball and was part of a non-profit organization basketball team called ISS Flightz. During her time in Flightz, she participated in volunteer work to help repaint public parks, organized street fair events to help bring communities together, and coached young basketball players while setting a positive example of leadership and dedication.


In her free time, she also loves doing puzzles and knitting. It is her own escape. She even has her own store on Etsy called IrenesWarmth where she sells handmade scarves and bracelets!

Irene's Portfolio

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